
Improving team productivity

Used in conjunction with our teamwork programmes,TapIN2 Team Analysis Manager tackles collaboration, communication and working relationships.

Increasing personal effectiveness

Used as part of a one-to-one coaching programme,TapIN2 Team Analysis Manager can help people create a tailor-made development plan.

Boosting company performance

By looking at the effectiveness of each team members, we create strategies to improve our services.

The impact

This product isn't solely advantageous for leaders alone. When self-awareness is cultivated across all tiers of an organization, it can yield substantial business advantages.

TapIN2 Team Analysis Manager Process

  • Simply upload an existing profile pdf onto the system.
  • The entire companies profiles can be uploaded.
  • You are able to view your own summarised profile and those of colleagues for real-time access on the go.
  • You can then group people into various teams and run the team analysis report to view how they will function together.
  • The system allows you to change the people within a team to see the impact that change has on a team's dynamic.

Single Profile Uploader

  • The goal is to gather the data from individuals and consolidate them in a single location to build a single, unified profile of each user.
  • Choose the users profile PDF file.
  • PDF files must not be password protected or encrypted.
  • Select the user from the list of users.
  • Click submit and wait a few seconds.

Multiple Profile Uploader

  • You can upload two or more profiles at one time.
  • Simple to use and gather as much information as you need.

Teams Manager

  • This is a very interesting part of the system which allows you to select the team you want to manage in a company.
  • Once selected, you will have a selection of team members’ names and you can add a new member as well to join this team.
  • Hence, you will be shown a full team analysis that will analyse how that mix of personalities will perform together under 19 different key areas allowing you create an environment with more respect, increased productivity, and improved working relationships, even in virtual environments.

User profile viewer

This feature within the platform allows users to see profiles of other users, depending on the platform, a user profile viewer may offer various functionalities:

  • Basic Profile Information
  • Activity feed in the organization
  • Personal attribution such as strengths / weaknesses

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South Africa

Building B,Monte Circle Office Park,
178 Montecasino Boulevard,
Fourways Johannesburg,
South Africa,2191,
Tel: +27 11 568 0370


Unit 15 Unicity Office Park,
Riviere Noire Road, Bambous,
Black River, Mauritius
Tel: +230 452 3975


33 Queen Street,
EC4R 1 AP,
Tel: +44 208 089 0222


We provide integrated software across various platforms and industries, offering dynamic leading edge solutions which are tailored made to suit your industry.